What is Mindfulness? Definition and History

Mindfulness: Some aspects

Mindfulness can be both a singular concept and a multifaceted one. It has two core tenets. One, to be present in the moment and another, to not judge. Each one of these components is important, so let’s take a closer look at each one. These aspects can be applied to any form of mindfulness.

Awareness of the moment

It seems easy to focus your attention on the present moment, but it is difficult for many people. Do you often obsess about past mistakes or look forward to a future event? Perhaps even more common is the habit of being distracted by your phone and TV and losing focus on what you are actually doing.

While advocates for mindfulness don’t recommend that you avoid doing any of these activities, they do say you shouldn’t. It can be very taxing for your mental health to not focus on the present. Mindfulness has many scientifically proven benefits for one’s mental health.

What is mindfulness, you ask? What does it really mean to keep your focus on the present moment? Simply take a moment to notice how you feel. Do you feel happy, anxious, frustrated, or energized? Mindfulness is not just about your mental state. Take a look at your body and notice how it feels. Perhaps your shoulder or foot feels achy. Maybe you are feeling particularly relaxed. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad. Just notice it.

It is important to give your full attention to whatever activity you are engaged in at any given moment. You can focus your attention on something big, such as a project at work that requires you to give your full attention, or something smaller, such as watching your favorite TV program without checking your phone. Whatever you do, what you focus on is what it matters.

Judgement is absent

Mindfulness is more than just focusing your attention. It’s also about how you do it. Mindfulness is all about being present to your feelings and accepting them without judgement. This means you can’t fight what you feel. For example, if you feel anxious, you might try to change it.

Refusing to feel negative feelings is going to only make them worse. This is because you convince yourself that it’s wrong to feel this way. This only makes the situation worse when it isn’t possible to make it go away.

Ironically, mindfulness is the best way to overcome negative feelings. Recognize your feelings, accept them, and even embrace them. Refusing to acknowledge your feelings is like holding on to them. Acceptance of it allows it to move along on its own.

It is easy to see that your thoughts are not yours. This is an important insight that will help you live a happier and more enjoyable life.

Mindfulness tips

You now know the basics of mindfulness and the historical importance it has held. If this is your first time, it’s likely that you are wondering where to start. We’ve provided some pointers and tips to help you feel more at ease with mindfulness. Let’s start with something very simple.


Every living thing is breathing at all times. How could that be any different? It sounds simple, but it’s not. It’s still powerful. Being mindful of your breathing is a great way to reduce stress and improve mindfulness.

It’s actually quite unnecessary. You are always breathing automatically, which is what makes it so useful. This means that you can always check your breathing at any time. You can also use this moment to connect with your self. Start by simply watching your breathing. Are they short and labored or deeper and more fluid? To calm down, take a few deep, slow breaths. This will help you relax and center.

Keep a journal

Have you ever tried to recall what you did the previous day and found out that you didn’t know? This is one of the best indicators that mindfulness could be a part of your life. This could be attributed to memory problems, which may be partially true. It is also a sign you aren’t paying attention or being present.

A journal is one of the best ways you can combat this. You can choose what you want to write about. We recommend that you keep a list of achievements, challenges, and gratitude. Whatever the topic, it is important that you take time every night to reflect on your day. This is a valuable thing in itself and will allow you to reflect on the present moment.


For many, exercise is the most striking example. It is also connected to mindfulness. Finding an exercise program that suits you, regardless of whether you’re running, swimming or playing a sport, will make your life easier. Focusing solely on what you are doing is the best way to perform at your best. That’s mindfulness, you say? You can exercise for 20 minutes or 2 hours, and you are being mindful.


Many people view meditation as an esoteric and almost mystical practice that is not useful to the average person. This is not true. There are many types of meditation, but the core of basic meditation is simply sitting down and being mindful. It’s not your goal to escape reality or travel to another plane. You are simply trying to focus on the present moment and still your mind.

It’s better to start small than to set high goals and then give up when you fail. Focus on your breathing and sit down. Allow yourself to close your eyes and relax. Breathe slowly and deeply. Start with your feet and work your way up. This will help you become more calm and peaceful by spending five minutes each day doing this.